Rise of the Migraines

Photo on 5-6-14 at 6.44 PM

The past few moths have been rough. My health has been declining, sending me to the ER five times this year. I normally never visit the emergency room, let alone multiple times a year.

My illness? Chronic migraines.

So far this year has been the peak of my neurological disorder. Nothing in my lifestyle has changed to warrant these bursts of frequent painful events, but I’ve had to readjust my life tremendously because of them. I’ve spent a lot of time in bed and in pain. As someone who enjoys control over all areas of my life and staying busy, it has also had an impact on my mental health too. I’ve been depressed. Sitting around waiting to try new drug cocktails prescribed from my doctor or lying in bed and waiting for the pain to pass has been my life recently and I’ve loathed it. I used to be so busy I didn’t have a moment to spare, I also only took vitamins as a daily supplement. Now I’m on a few different types of preventative medications and have painkillers for when an attack hits. Unfortunately my pain killers are so strong that sometimes the side-effects make it impossible to drive, work, or do much physically.


I’m waiting to see a neurologist that is highly recommended for migraine and cluster headache treatment. I’ve been on a waiting list to see him for months and hopefully he’ll have suggestions that let me live a more active, pain-free life.

For now I’m a zombie in the morning and for most of the afternoon. I perk up a bit in the evenings thanks to a new medicine that doesn’t have awful side effects. It’s been slow but I’m gradually adjusting to it.

I look forward to filming and playing a lot again in the future, and even taking on new clients. Until then know that I’m still around and dominating, because I rule my life and wont give in to these damned migraines.

The New York Times recently posted about the severity of this illness. If you’re curious, check it out:


3 thoughts on “Rise of the Migraines

  1. richard says:

    Dear Scarlett:

    A few years back I had a real bad bout with migraines. I went to my doctor and she said that they did not know why my migraines were happening, so she prescribed some medication, I took them and the migraines eventually went away but not before getting worse, then they would finally subside. After much frustration with the medical community, I stopped taking the meds and decided to go it alone. I started by cutting out caffeine, and I tried eating healthier, unfortunately, the migraines persisted. Eventually, however, I started to see differences in the intensity of each episode when I started drinking more water, I.e. hydration. In addition I tend to be hypoglycemic, so I started putting a tea spoon of sugar in my water, and abracadabra, it actually started to work. Through my own study I realized my migraines were being triggered by a combination of dehydration and really low blood sugar. Since then fortunately, they have not returned. Of course, I understand we are all different, and every migraine sufferer probably has their own triggers. In addition I suspect your condition may be more severe and systemic than mine. Please be advised I’m not trying to tell you that my remedy would do anything for you but give you the jitters and make pee like a race horse. I only mention it anecdotally, and as evidence that you may need to watch and see what if anything could be your trigger. I do think all migraines have some kind of trigger. Any way for what its worth you are a very beautiful woman and I hope you find your trigger. Take care.

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